Saturday, October 17, 2009


I agree with Mr. Wall, when he says that if something such as a body language, is not intentional then it is not communication. If you are doing something subconsciously then you aren't really communicating, because what you do could be interpreted in different ways. If someone sees your do something and you aren't doing it to intentionally then many different people could take it different ways, and if communication is between two people then when someone does something intentionally, it is only one-sided. If that makes sense.


  1. I think i disagree with this because, as the example we did in class, of a students unintentially yawning in class. It is an uncotrollable body funtion to yawn, yet he/she is communicating to the entire class that he/she is tired. I mean, there as a chance that the message will be communicated wrong, but isn't that a possiblity when it is intentional also?

  2. Je suis d'accord avec Trislyn.

  3. Argh! French. Just kidding. ^^

    Body language can be both intentional and unintentional. But I think it is a language of it's own, even if you can not communicate it through speaking or writing. If someone is crying, you assume they are sad. They do not have to say anything or write it down. Tears are just universally accepted as sadness. But here we go with the miscommunications that can arise through body language. Say the person just won an award or something and they are crying cause they are so happy?

    Yeah, slightly rambling but I see body language as a language. It doesn`t meet all of the qualifications of an oral/written language but it is understood and interpretted on a universal level. :)
